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2017-05-08 17:07:07

Marcos (男,1993年,巴西)
最高学历:本科 毕业学校:Mackenzie
所学专业:企业管理-国际贸易 外语水平:三语流利
电脑水平:高级 毕业时间:2017年12月
其他教育:• trilingual translator/ regionalization o Chinese Fluent o Portuguese fluent o English advanced • Office-advanced • WordPress • Bloomberg • Android studio- App maker • Social media: Facebook advertisement
求职类型:全职 期望薪资:不限
希望行业:销售/项目管理/客户服务 到岗时间:可随时到岗
希望岗位:渠道经理/主管 希望地区:圣保罗
擅长技能:1- 三语本土化 2- 电商/互联网 营销 3-市场开拓;4- 模式创新
Translate related Experience
Bshark/Halo Digit- product potential researcher 
o Market research: viability and regionalization target changes(4p)
o Provide translations and regionalization - Quantitative statistical analysis
o Translator; 
o representative;
o Brazil Game Show 2015 event stand
o Shopper: Product test and viability research
PTSGI(上海统一翻译- Regionalization)
o Brazilian-PT localization (200.000 ideograms+) 
o Content quality control
o Deadline and budgeting management 
Yves Saint Laurent project-EDG.ltda
o Supplier technical follow
o Follow up and update: Construction detail and engineer team task summary
China National Cable Engineering Corporation中国电缆工程有限公司:
o MOU negotiation translation 
o Bidding bound definition with China Cable VP
Chinese diplomate meetings 
o Translation 
Comba Telecom 
o 45-day audit 
Marketing related experience
Energiga- Market manager 
o Website update/ follow up 
o Marketing strategy and branding 
o Product training 
Bmax website construction (www.bmax.com.br)
Emercante.com.br website construction 
o Payment channel 
o SKU update
o Marketing
OláBuy: Fan page work
Hi foot: Fan page 
Google tools
o AdSense 
o Analytics

